The project brings together a balanced and complementary partnership with entities experienced in different cultural and creative areas, which make possible the development of innovative results under an innovative, digital and accessible approach, from their experience in:


The Municipality of Paredes de Coura is located in the northeast of Portugal and inhabited by about nine thousand inhabitants and includes sixteen parishes. The Municipality considers culture as one of the strategic levers of social and economic intervention and the results are already visible at the social and educational levels in both infrastructures and events.

Some of the most relevant infrastructures are the Environmental Education Centre, the Arts Barracks, the Cultural Centre, the “Caixa de Brinquedos” (Toy Box – an innovative space that opened its doors in 2015 and which places Lego in the forefront of attention) or and the “Caixa da Musica” (Music Box).

On the other hand, the most iconic event is the internationally recognised “Paredes de Coura Music Festival”, along with other festivals and exhibitions such as the  “Mundo ao Contrário” (international festival of performing and street arts), the “Arte em Peças” and “Fan Weekend“(exhibitions of Lego buildings with exhibitors from all over the world), the “Fitavale” – the travelling amateur theatre festival of Alto Minho and the School of Rock Paredes de Coura, among others.

Space Ensemble is an artistic organisation that produces various shows, events and community projects, crossing music with other artistic areas. It emerged on the Portuguese national scene as a mutant musical formation and currently works with several musicians and creative professionals, capable of assuming different roles: artistic and creative direction, musical composition, production, music education, among others. Our work is based on three main pillars: cultural production of artistic programmes and events, participatory projects where we work closely with several communities, and the design and implementation of non-formal educational projects related to music and arts, where we can approach different themes creatively and unconventionally. 

EOSA is a consulting company specialized in the area of consultancy and training, aimed at both public administrations and private entities. In its more than 25 years of experience, it has been working in the development of efficient solutions, tailored to the customer’s needs.

Transformative Play empowering kids to harness their imaginations as a force for good. We create community-driven, hybrid play experiences that teach kids crucial 21st-century skills, through transformative game-based learning and meaningful play design. Our vision is to reimagine the scouts experience for the digital age.

The mission of CEPS Projectes Socials (Barcelona) is to facilitate citizens to access the social and cultural capital of their communities by empowering people, fostering social cohesion, social inclusion and combating discrimination.

SFOM is the Italian acronym of School of Training and Musical Orientation. It’s a magical and resonant holder where is possible to experience and live different genres (pop, rock, classical, liturgic, ethnic and popular). It’s attended by a very heterogeneous people, both in age (literally from scratch years) and social status (from the student to the pensioner). The courses are very flexible in content and meet the most varied needs. Its strength is an innovative and modern teaching, its mission is 360° music.

L’Eubage srl is a production and cultural promotion company founded in 1997. His action goes from the artistic design to production, for original projects or already existing ones. Since 2002 L’Eubage bagan the production and post-production of creative documentaries and reportages for RAI.