Certified Digital Accessibility Training Project

The project aims to develop specialized digital accessibility training and accessible e-learning platform to improve the knowledge, skills, and competencies of diverse groups of key stakeholders.

Schmiede – Playground of Ideas is a festival for creatives, a collective process where ideas are nurtured and come to life. Schmiede stands for three things: create, network, present…
OMG Cameras Everywhere

OMG Cameras Everywhere ist ein einwöchiges Camp, das Kindern die Möglichkeit gibt, Kameras in die Hand zu nehmen und mit einigen aufregenden aufstrebenden Bands aus der Region Musikvideos und Kurzfilme zu drehen.

Beyond the large forums on the digital transformation of culture, from large platforms or museums, institutions, and national cultural centers…
Merge Cube

This case study is about doing dedicated training sessions using the Merge Cube, an Augmented Reality (AR) device created by the US company Merge EDU.
Vira Fest

Vira Fest (“Music Education Projects Forum”) is an event that brings together several schools and music education projects, in order to share experiences and reflect together on their role for the artistic development and social …
Casa Fernando Pessoa

Casa Fernando Pessoa is a museum dedicated to Fernando Pessoa, one of the most known Portuguese writers. It has an exhibition on three floors about the poet’s life and work and a library specialized in world poetry…
Better Evaluation

Better Evaluation Previous Next Beschreibung BetterEvaluation ist eine Wissensplattform und eine globale Gemeinschaft. Ihre Vision ist eine Welt mit besseren Evaluierungen, besseren Entscheidungen und besseren Ergebnissen für die Menschen und den Planeten. Die Arbeit von BetterEvaluation, die seit 2012 läuft, umfasst das gesamte Spektrum an Monitoring- und Evaluierungsaktivitäten, -rahmen und -systemen und beinhaltet Evaluierungen von […]
Mutants Project

Through different artistic languages, the project explores the „I“, the „other“ and the „we“, showing that each „me“ is the result of a multiplicity of factors in constant construction…
Valleys’s Trilogy

The project was held in the village of Monção (Portugal) in 2017 to tell the history of this territory through music, image and poetry. The project involved more than 150 people aged between 12 and 80 from….