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Case Studie archivos - Seite 2 von 5 - Trainers4Creativity

Red REMA – REMA 360º- Escape Room

Red Rema Escape Room is a virtual and physical escape room to learn about our seafaring culture that is included as part of the Network of Atlantic Museum Spaces (REMA).

Play2Learn project

The Play2Learn project develops educational content and lesson plans, supported by a do-it-yourself computer kit, to improve teaching efficiency and develop competences of teachers…

LIM – Less Is More

LIM is a project launched by “le Groupe Ouest” in which the “production limitations” (budget limitation, logistic limitations, etc..) are re-worked, re-invented and treated to be used as a ”tool”.


The aim is to create a dynamic and active group in which the participants can develop social and practical abilities fundamental for their daily independent life.


ARTE DELLA CONDIVISIONE – The ART of SHARING is a project in which art and audiovisuals meet together for the creation of an experience-based path from creation to a public audiovisual display.


PARCO DELLA LETTURA Morgex / The Reading Park Morgex was designed and set up with the aim of creating a space for everyone, with the aim of promoting the greatest possible inclusiveness…

Visioni in movimento 

VISIONI IN MOVIMENTO ist ein europaweites Format, das unter Einbeziehung lokaler Filmindustrien bei jeder Ausgabe zwei neue audiovisuelle Produkte produziert, mit dem Ziel, Bekanntes und weniger Bekanntes zu erzählen…


The goal is to create a dynamic and active group in the outdoors Education corroborated with activities to approach…