Digital Accessibility Guide by Texthelp


This Digital Accessibility Guide gives useful and clear information on how to ensure that all individuals can access and understand your digital content, including people with disabilities, older people, people that lack digital skills and more.Through this guide, any youth worker will be able to acknowledge barriers to digital inclusion and how to reduce them, uncovering how to create accessible digital materials that can reach a much wider audience. 

The guide is divided in several chapters that focus on different topics, such as: 

  • Website accessibility: What it is. What the guidelines are. What legislation exists.
  • Creating accessible content
  • Accessible user experience and design
  • Understanding inclusive marketing and how you can get it right
  • How website accessibility can positively impact SEO


On the Texthelp website it is possible to find a lot of resources and digital tools for different contexts (schools, workspace, etc) that aim to help everyone to understand and be understood. Their goal is to create technologies that can help people read, write and research with confidence.

Target Audience

Anyone that wants to produce and disseminate accessible and inclusive content on digital platforms. 

Specific target: Marketers, Digital Marketers, Brand Managers, Content Writers, Campaign Managers, Social Media Editors, Graphic Designers and more.


  • Understanding the need to adapt the dissemination of digital content in an accessible and inclusive way 
  • Being able to identify target needs and use the necessary tools
  • Ensuring your communication and  design is accessible

Skills developed

  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Inclusive and accessible communication / dissemination
  • Being able to identify the needs of your audience and act accordingly

Why is it a good practice in the digital area?

Besides showing several good practices on how to communicate in an accessible and inclusive way on digital platforms, this guide / website is an example of a good practice itself. At the same time it displays useful information, it is also exemplifying how to display information in a digital context. Digital inclusion should be given the same importance as other objectives in a dissemination strategy, because your campaigns will only be successful if all your audience can access your digital content. 

This guide also draws attention to details and needs that we must bear in mind when working with diverse audiences, whether in a digital environment or in a face-to-face setting. 

Texthelp has been working alongside technology partners like Google and Microsoft and their award-winning suite of products – Read&Write, Equatio, Fluency Tutor, ReachDeck, WriQ, and Speechstream – have changed the lives of millions worldwide. 

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