“STO” Symphonic Taxi Orchestra
The Symphonic Taxi Orchestra is an inclusive orchestra, made up of children with disabilities, teachers, students and professionals, which made its debut in the Aosta Valley in 2018. The name of the orchestra comes from an old project for children with disabilities who came to class by taxi to participate in a set of percussion. The taxis were the ones that the Department of Health makes available to children with disabilities to take them to the various extra-curricular activities. Perhaps, however, it is the orchestra itself that has become a taxi, where anyone can get on even just for a ride, to get involved in an experience of life as well as music.
It is a significant and ambitious project that commits musicians to carry out their work by confronting themselves with unconventional or in any case unusual ways of making music. The repertoire ranges between various musical genres: the original compositions and arrangements have been made in collaboration with the various teachers involved in the project.
Area of accessibility
Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)
Why is it a good practice in the communication area?
Experts in disciplines such as music therapy and art therapy show that music is a language that allows even those with physical or motor difficulties to express their emotions. The families of the disabled children involved are happy because it is a healthy way for their children to spend their free time and grow up being in the orchestra, learning the rules and making sure to get prepared for rehearsals. The STO is a lesson of enthusiasm also for professional musicians: many times those who are part of this world live the orchestra as a job or a way to pay for their studies, here instead there is sharing, we all work together and we all feel the same, we help each other and we make ourselves available and at the service of others for the success of a project that is everyone’s project.
Tamtando (Associazione di promozione culturale) – CDVDA (Coordinamento Disabilità Valle d’Aosta) – Associazione Girotondo Aosta.