Tiny Huge News is an international media project meant for kids to develop their own opinion on world’s news by creating and watching news meant for them.

The Museum of the History of Immigration in Catalonia (MhiC) is a small local museum with a clear educational vocation for citizens, where the creation of the Heritage Fund is open and participatory.
MakerConvent FORMALAB

The MakerConvent is a dynamic maker lab located in the Sant Agustí Convent Civic Centre in Barcelona. It is one of the most unique and original maker spaces in the city of Barcelona.
Audiovisual TOOLBOX

A comprehensive and growing list of state of the art audiovisual TOOLS which you can introduce into your workflow to solve or deal with the most common and with the most innovative tasks or needs you can encounter in your work with students and youngsters.
Red REMA – REMA 360º- Escape Room

Red Rema Escape Room is a virtual and physical escape room to learn about our seafaring culture that is included as part of the Network of Atlantic Museum Spaces (REMA).
Play2Learn project

The Play2Learn project develops educational content and lesson plans, supported by a do-it-yourself computer kit, to improve teaching efficiency and develop competences of teachers…
Teaching ICT for People with Specific Learning Disorders

Teaching ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for People with Specific Learning Disorders (TI4PES) is a strategic partnership project for vocational education and training…
LIM – Less Is More

LIM is a project launched by “le Groupe Ouest” in which the “production limitations” (budget limitation, logistic limitations, etc..) are re-worked, re-invented and treated to be used as a ”tool”.
Educational Robotics a new approach to technologies

Robotica Educativa is an association specialized on the development and use of learning environments based on robotic technologies meant for didactic / educational purposes.

The aim is to create a dynamic and active group in which the participants can develop social and practical abilities fundamental for their daily independent life.