Creative learning activities
The rise of digital technologies is having a huge impact on the children who are growing up using devices which their parents didn’t have, and who also need to learn many different skills linked to these changing technologies. However, the way we teach in most schools has not very much adapted to these evolutions. The work of youth trainers can be very important there in implementing new methods, especially as these new technologies offer many new opportunities which are often not used in the classrooms.
In this part, we will highlight two different sections for the activities. The first one will be focused on creative activities meant to learn science or technology topics (e.g. coding) in an innovative and playful way. The second one will cover creative activities which are performed to raise the awareness of youngsters on complex societal topics.
Science/Technology topics

MakerConvent FORMALAB
The MakerConvent is a dynamic maker lab located in the Sant Agustí Convent Civic Centre in Barcelona. It is one of the most unique and original maker spaces in the city of Barcelona.

Play2Learn project
The Play2Learn project develops educational content and lesson plans, supported by a do-it-yourself computer kit, to improve teaching efficiency and develop competences of teachers…

Educational Robotics a new approach to technologies
Robotica Educativa is an association specialized on the development and use of learning environments based on robotic technologies meant for didactic / educational purposes.
Societal topics

Tiny Huge News is an international media project meant for kids to develop their own opinion on world’s news by creating and watching news meant for them.

Red REMA – REMA 360º- Escape Room
Red Rema Escape Room is a virtual and physical escape room to learn about our seafaring culture that is included as part of the Network of Atlantic Museum Spaces (REMA).