Multiplier Event (Italy): Demonstrating good practices through a workshop-based approach

On Saturday, 7 October, the Multiplier Event organised by SFOM was held in the cosy ‘Exhibition Hall’ of the Youth Citadel in Aosta (Italy).
Multiplier Event (Spain): Sharing new approaches to creativity in Barcelona

On September 29th, the Multiplier Event: Creative Solutions for a Complex Context was held at Sant Agustí Convent Civic Centre (Barcelona, Spain) as part of Trainers4Creativity dissemination activities.
Multiplier Event (Portugal): Spreading creativity and innovation in Paredes de Coura

On September 27th, the Multiplier Event: Creative Solutions for a Complex Context was held at Elevadora (Paredes de Coura, Portugal) as part of Trainers4Creativity dissemination activities.
International Digital Workshop – Registration open!

Trainers4Creativity partners will hold an International Digital Workshop on the 21st of September to share the resources developed within the project. The registrations are already open.
The Digital Competence Wheel

AI-powered visual assistance for instantaneous image-to-text generation. The Virtual Volunteer feature will be integrated into the existing app and contains a dynamic new image-to-text generator powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4. Users can send images via the app to an AI-powered Virtual Volunteer, which will provide instantaneous identification, interpretation and conversational visual assistance for a wide variety […]

AI-powered visual assistance for instantaneous image-to-text generation. The Virtual Volunteer feature will be integrated into the existing app and contains a dynamic new image-to-text generator powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4. Users can send images via the app to an AI-powered Virtual Volunteer, which will provide instantaneous identification, interpretation and conversational visual assistance for a wide variety […]
Musica Senza Confini

Playing and composing music even with the movement of the eyes or the breath. It is called “Music Without Borders” and through different technologies and sophisticated devices it also allows women and men with severe motor limitations and sensory deficits to approach the world of music. The project is accessible thanks to a series of […]
Symphonic Taxi Orchestra

Aosta Valley, Italy The Symphonic Taxi Orchestra is an inclusive orchestra, made up of people with disabilities, teachers, students and professionals, which made its debut in the Aosta Valley in 2018, born from an idea by Marco Giovinazzo and Paolo Salomone «The orchestra was born for young people with disabilities», explains Giovinazzo, “it has become to all intents and […]
Eye Harp

The development of this revolutionary music technology began in 2010. The instrument is designed so that those diagnosed with conditions such as cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, upper limb amputation, or spinal cord injury can continue to learn and play music with their eyes. It is also suitable for people with intellectual deficits. […]
T4C Creative Training Camp in Paredes de Coura (Portugal)

The Erasmus+ project Trainers4Creativity, co-funded by the European Union, will promote a Creative Training Camp in Paredes de Coura. During one week, from the 17th to the 21st of july, partners, youth workers and young people will gather in this beautiful village in the North of Portugal to share creative practices and take part in […]