Casa Fernando Pessoa

Casa Fernando Pessoa is a museum dedicated to Fernando Pessoa, one of the most known Portuguese writers. It has an exhibition on three floors about the poet’s life and work and a library specialized in world poetry…

Ti4pes – Teaching ICT for People with Specific Learning Disorders Anterior Siguiente Synopsis Teaching ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for People with Specific Learning Disorders (TI4PES) is a strategic partnership project for vocational education and training. The aim is to improve the quality of services offered by the involved VET institutions to individuals with specific […]
Better Evaluation

Better Evaluation Previous Next Descrição Better Evaluation é uma plataforma de conhecimento e uma comunidade global. A sua visão é a de um mundo com melhores avaliações, melhores decisões e melhores resultados para as pessoas e para o planeta. A funcionar desde 2012, o seu trabalho sobre “avaliação” inclui toda a gama de atividades, quadros […]
Mutants Project

Through different artistic languages, the project explores the “I”, the “other” and the “we”, showing that each “me” is the result of a multiplicity of factors in constant construction…
Valleys’s Trilogy

The project was held in the village of Monção (Portugal) in 2017 to tell the history of this territory through music, image and poetry. The project involved more than 150 people aged between 12 and 80 from….

ZOOM Meetings is a video conferencing software.
It permits up to 100 concurrent participants on its free plan, with a 40-minute time restriction.
Users have the option to upgrade by subscribing to a paid plan. The highest plan supports up to 1,000 concurrent participants for meetings lasting up to 30 hours.

The Influencers project sees Online Social Entrepreneurship as an important bridge for the inclusion of young people on the margins of mainstream society.
Toys Box in Kindergartens

“Caixa de Brinquedos” is a toy workshop space owned and managed by the Municipality of Paredes de Coura in Portugal. It contains a very large library of LEGO® pieces which were provided through a…
MuseScore for everyone

Through MuseScore you can create, reproduce and print sheet music for free. It is a multilingual open source music notation software.

Digitópia is a digital music platform based at Casa da Música in Oporto, which encourages the act of listening, performance and musical creation.