T4C Creative Training Camp in Paredes de Coura (Portugal)

The Erasmus+ project Trainers4Creativity, co-funded by the European Union, will promote a Creative Training Camp in Paredes de Coura. During one week, from the 17th to the 21st of july, partners, youth workers and young people will gather in this beautiful village in the North of Portugal to share creative practices and take part in […]

T4C organizes creative workshops in Paredes de Coura

Read this article in Portuguese here The Erasmus+ project Trainers4Creativity, co-funded by the European Union, will promote a series of creative workshops for young people (between 13 and 25 years old) and for Youth Workers, within the T4C Creative Training Camp. On 17, 18 and 19 July, at Elevadora (Paredes de Coura, Portugal), Trainers4Creativity partners […]

International Meeting III in Aosta (Italy) – Report

Trainers4Creativity International Meeting III took place on the 4th and 5th of April, among the beautiful Aosta Valley landscape (Italy).  At the beginning of April (April 4 and 5), Trainers4Creativity partners flew to Aosta (Italy) to meet in person and discuss new developments in the project and the next steps. The meeting was hosted by […]

Work in progress – International Meeting II in Barcelona (Spain)

Trainers4Creativity project continues its journey to create useful and accessible resources for Youth Workers. The 2nd International Meeting was in Barcelona (Spain).  On October 26 and 27, Trainers4Creativity partners flew to Barcelona (Spain) to meet in person and discuss the project development so far. The meeting was hosted by CEPS – Projectes Socials at their […]

A first creative meeting in Paredes de Coura – Portugal

Trainers4Creativity project started on the 25th and 26th of May with an inspiring Kick Off Meeting in Paredes de Coura, with the participation of all the European partners.  The meeting was hosted by the Municipality of Paredes de Coura as project coordinator, that welcomed the partners from CEPS (Barcelona, Spain), Dodo Laboratory (Germany), SFOM –  […]