Trainers4Creativity project continues its journey to create useful and accessible resources for Youth Workers. The 2nd International Meeting was in Barcelona (Spain).
On October 26 and 27, Trainers4Creativity partners flew to Barcelona (Spain) to meet in person and discuss the project development so far. The meeting was hosted by CEPS – Projectes Socials at their office at L’Hospitalet de Llobregat and the partners also had the opportunity to do some study visits to creative and cultural spaces in Barcelona.
During the 2 days, the project members discussed the project progress so far. Since the beginning of the project, all partners have been collecting Case Studies considered best practices in the cultural and creative area, to document and serve as inspiration for the creation of Training Kits on digitization, accessibility, creativity, and visual content creation, which will be available for free so that youth workers can use them to build more attractive activities for youngsters and other target audiences. Some case studies are already available on our website.
Besides the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to visit cultural spaces in Barcelona that develop creative work with the communities where they are located, such as MhiC – Museo de la historia de la inmigración de Cataluña (History of Immigration in Catalonia Museum) and the Makers Covent, one of the Fab Labs in Barcelona, located in a Civic Center at the beautiful Convent de Sant Agusti. In these visits it was possible to talk with local cultural agents and youth workers and understand their achievements and long term goals, as well as their difficulties and how projects like Trainers4Creativity can help them in their activities.

See the full 2nd International Meeting video here:
Keep following Trainers4Creativity progress on our social media (facebook and instagram) and our website!