T4C organizes creative workshops in Paredes de Coura

Read this article in Portuguese here The Erasmus+ project Trainers4Creativity, co-funded by the European Union, will promote a series of creative workshops for young people (between 13 and 25 years old) and for Youth Workers, within the T4C Creative Training Camp. On 17, 18 and 19 July, at Elevadora (Paredes de Coura, Portugal), Trainers4Creativity partners […]
T4C organiza workshops criativos em Paredes de Coura

O projeto Erasmus+ Trainers4Creativity, financiado pela União Europeia, vai promover uma série de workshops criativos para jovens entre os 13 e os 25 anos e para Youth Workers no âmbito do T4C Creative Training Camp. Nos dias 17, 18 e 19 de julho, na Elevadora (Paredes de Coura, Portugal), os parceiros do Trainers4Creativity vão dinamizar […]

These are musical workshops dedicated to cultures and worlds distant from those usually addressed in traditional educational paths: electronic music, Chinese, Albanian, Arabic and Peruvian.
“STO” Symphonic Taxi Orchestra

The Symphonic Taxi Orchestra is an inclusive orchestra, made up of children with disabilities, teachers, students and professionals, which made its debut in the Aosta Valley in 2018.

EduMath Vallée was founded in 2015 as a research-action group to respond to the need for discussion and training of the Aosta Valley teachers in kindergartens and primary schools.

GiocAosta is, since 2009, the festival of intelligent play in Aosta Valley. It is a collective construction site, where many different passions meet and offer themselves to many thousands of participants.

In 2021, Equitas started a zine (a small-circulation DIY printed publication) to share the many stories of the young members of the different communities where they are active.

Capito was one of the first companies to develop a dedicated software, Capito Digital, to analyze the complexity of sentences and propose alternatives according to the level of complexity desired.
Atkinson Hyperlegible Font

Improving readability is an important topic as the WHO counts that at least 2.2 billion people in the world have a vision impairment. The Atkinson Hyperlegible font was developed during the Braille institute’s…
Cluster Sfom Summer Camp

The course takes place during the summer, between August and September, has a duration of 7 days and is aimed at both Sfom (Scuola di Formazione e Orientamento Musicale) students and external students / musicians.